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Technology insights to maximise returns and reduce risk

We articulate the investor implications and practical realities of cutting-edge and established technologies

Quick reads

We have created a set cards which can be used to explore the key technology drivers of value creation. You can browse them below or send us a request for a printed set.

Product Management

Should Product Managers be measured on EBITDA improvement?

Product Management


Do you trust your neighbour?


Re-engineering technology platforms

Do you need ‘good enough’ or best-in-class?

Re-engineering technology platforms

Blockchain – neither hype nor asset

Did you know your bank is a technology pioneer?

Blockchain – neither hype nor asset

In-depth articles

These articles explore specific technology issues and their investor implications in detail.

Real-world value creation opportunities of

Generative AI in portfolio companies

Generative AI is distinct from previous technologies that promised a revolution. It is already mainstream, and already a success.

Implementing Generative AI in portfolio companies

Generative AI is a business issue, not an IT issue, and empowering the right people in implementation is key to success.

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