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Technology insights to maximise returns and reduce risk

We articulate the investor implications and practical realities of cutting-edge and established technologies

Quick reads

We have created a set cards which can be used to explore the key technology drivers of value creation. You can browse them below or send us a request for a printed set.

Successful technology is an ecosystem

Should Customer Services be part of Engineering’s daily stand-ups?

Successful technology is an ecosystem

Designing hardware for market access

Are you investing in a box of chocolates or a can of worms?

Designing hardware for market access

Hardware solutions (no longer just the box)

Should you be funding your customers’ investments?

Hardware solutions (no longer just the box)

Technology strategy: Build, buy or partner?

Will outsourced development impact your exit valuation?

Technology strategy: Build, buy or partner?

In-depth articles

These articles explore specific technology issues and their investor implications in detail.

Real-world value creation opportunities of

Generative AI in portfolio companies

Generative AI is distinct from previous technologies that promised a revolution. It is already mainstream, and already a success.

Implementing Generative AI in portfolio companies

Generative AI is a business issue, not an IT issue, and empowering the right people in implementation is key to success.

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